Knowledge Base » Subscription » Error messages list » Authentication_required Please login to continue

If some requests made by your Channel Manager to the channel Airbnb API fail with an error similar to "authentication_required Please login to continue" or "unfortunately, this is no longer available", then your Airbnb connection may need to be restored.

Such errors may occur during the rooms mapping procedure (page "Hotel - Synchronize Rooms"), or when you launch the "Bulk Actions". Such issues can be solved very quickly, but it's important for you to act immediately to make sure no more similar errors will occur.

The "Please login to continue" error indicates that it was not possible to renew your "access token" to perform API requests. Tokens last for 24 hours with Airbnb, but our central servers at e4jConnect can renew them through a "refresh token" once they are expired. However, such tokens can be invalidated when you change password on Airbnb, or whenever the account gets modified. Any kind of authorization revoke event will invalidate the API tokens for your Airbnb account. In such cases, our servers cannot renew any API tokens, and the only way to restore the connection is to re-do it again to obtain new tokens.

To solve these issues, you should simply use the "Connect with Airbnb" button from the page Settings in Vik Channel Manager to exchange a new token. Our systems will update automatically the information also on your Channel Manager, and no similar errors will ever occur.

Last Update: 2021-06-21 17:15
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