Knowledge Base » Channels » Mobile App » Mobile App Service Features

The e4jConnect App is free to download for everyone that owns an active e4jConnect API Key. Everyone that downloads the app can perform these functions:

  1. Check today's arrivals and departures
  2. Search bookings based on check-in, check-out and booking date
  3. Check each booking's details
  4. Check your property's availability
  5. Check the Expiration Dates of the channels you've subscribed to

However, some of the e4jConnect App's functions are limited to the users who have subscribed to the Mobile App channel. These are those functions:

  1. Create multiple accounts and manage their functionality
  2. Cancel, Modify, Confirm and Create Bookings
  3. Modify your Rates, and upload them on your website and/or the channels you've subscribed to
  4. Close your Rooms on the go
  5. Detailed Graphs on the bookings you've received over a period of time or on the amount of nights booked
  6. Receive Push Notifications to your device on each new Booking
Last Update: 2017-03-08 16:56
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