The e4jConnect App is free to download.
An active e4jConnect API Key is required to create accounts.
You can choose to purchase or not the subscription for the Mobile App service.
Find out below what changes with this service.

App Accounts with different permissions
Create your account to access the App. Those who haven't purchased a subscription for the "Mobile App" service will only be able to have one account per API key. The Mobile App service enables unlimited accounts with different permissions (Access Levels).
Push Notifications to keep you posted
Notifications are only available for those who have purchased a subscription for the "Mobile App" service. Users without this service will have to manually download the notifications from the App to see new bookings.
Cancel or Modify Bookings with a tap
Bookings modifications or cancellations will write and update records on your own website in real-time. This is another "writing" function that is available only for those who have purchased a subscription for the Mobile App service.
Arrivals and Departures
Have you forgotten who is departing today or arriving tomorrow? Check it from the App and you'll know it in an instant! This is a "reading" function, and so the Mobile App service is not required.

Create new bookings from anywhere
Have you received a phone call from a special customer that needs a room? You can book it directly from the App! Availability calendars will help you pick available dates. This function writes data on your website and on the channels, so the Mobile App service is required.
Check, increase or lower Rooms Rates
If you are far from the computer and need to check or modify the rates of your rooms, this function will make your life easier. It is only available for those who have purchased a subscription for the Mobile App service.

Comfortable Graphs and Statistics
Get real-time statistics for the incomes and nights booked over specific periods of time during your meetings - or simply from home. Select different rooms or ranges of dates for the best accuracy.
Software version and Expiration dates
This function will remind you of the software versions and the expiration dates of the channels you subscribed for.